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Brown Hart Gardens, Mayfair

21 Nov 2013
Case study

Project details:

Brown Hart Gardens is a unique elevated city square over a Grade II listed substation in Mayfair, central London, originally created to provide an ornamental garden for residents in the surrounding Peabody housing estate, but was closed in the 1980s. Grosvenor Estate sought to renovate the 10,000sq foot gardens with the addition of a new café building, complete re-surfacing and with extensive new seating provision and planting to be enjoyed by local residents, workers and visitors in the Oxford Street area.

Furnitubes supplied over sixty bespoke seating and planter products to the Gardens. Concept designs for the products were originated by BDP landscape architects and carefully detailed by Furnitubes’ designers in close consultation with the project team. Three basic design modules were supplied – elegant heavy duty fixed seats for the perimeter of the site, and planters and benches for the central deck area which could be moved around to allow the space to be adaptable for a variety of events. The site, which is now open to the public, provides a tranquil and intimate setting in the heart of London’s busy West End.


“We have enjoyed working with the Furnitubes design team, who have been able to realise our proposals and create an overall effect which looks very impressive. The bespoke furniture suite of fixed and movable seats and planters not only looks excellent but are also easy to operate. The renovations were well received by locals and visitors when the site was officially opened, and we feel the project has been a great success.”

Martin Savage, Landscape Architect, BDP