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7 Apr 2009


Sponsored by Dalsouple, makers of highly sustainable natural rubber floorcoverings, together with Sustain Magazine.


This year the closing date for our sustainable design competition ‘Transform the Future’ is 31 May 2009, so there is still time to enter.


‘Transform the Future’ encourages designers and students to go out into the community and spread the word that in design, ‘sustainable’ doesn’t mean ‘boring’. By seeking sustainable solutions to design problems, tomorrow’s designers will make a huge contribution to the environmental performance of the built environment. And as Dalsouple’s massive range of gorgeous colours and textures clearly shows, these days ‘green design’ should be anything but dull.


The 2008 competition attracted entries from every corner of the international design community, with the winners coming from Argentina. In February this year, the two students Leonardo Bercovich and Noelia Canizares crossed the Atlantic to take up a work placement with leading design agency Graven Images in Glasgow as part of their prize. Dalsouple has arranged for free flooring from the design to go to the winning project, the Luis Braille School for visually impaired children in Tucuman, Argentina.


For 2009, the competition format will expand to acknowledge the growing importance of sustainability as an element in the design mix. There will be a category for products as well as interiors, and the competition is now open to both students and design professionals.
The judges will be looking for ideas that offer a creative, colourful, sustainable solution to a design problem.


Entry is free. To enter contact or visit and download an entry form.


• Entry to Transform is free. Entries will close on Monday 1 June 2009.

• Dalsouple can offer a free presentation about the competition for participating colleges and design companies. Sample materials and literature will also be supplied.


• Winners will be notified by the end of June 2009. Winning entries will be featured in Sustain Magazine and on the Dalsouple website.

• International entries are welcome.


• If you are interested in entering, email with your full mailing address so that we can post you a competition pack. This will contain Dalsouple brochures and samples. If you would like a presentation from Dalsouple to launch the competition, email us with your proposed dates.