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Select Elta Fans

9 Mar 2012
Elta Fans Building Services is pleased to announce the launch of This dedicated website brings together one of the widest ranges of fans and associated ventilation products on the market, including the recently launched range of 17 new products.

Featuring Elta Fans’ stocked range available for next day delivery, the site is informative, user friendly and suitable for navigation on all browsers including tablets and smart phones. Detailed technical information for all products is provided in both onscreen and downloadable formats.

In addition the new site features 13 colour co-ordinated product categories, making the selection process easier and quicker for the customer.

Please visit and have a look around or call Elta Fans on 01384 275800 for more information. For up to date announcements on the Select range and Elta Fans follow us on Twitter @eltaselect and @eltafans.