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Tobermore‘s Textured Pembury Installed at Wellesbourne Distribution Park

1 Apr 2016
Case study

One of Tobermore’s latest product offerings, Pembury, has been installed at the new 752,334 sq ft Wellesbourne Distribution Park in Warwickshire.

Pembury is a 200x100mm rectangular block paver that allows the creations of distinctive laying patterns, and features a soft, textured coat on the surface layer that produces a striking finish.

The product is manufactured with high cement content to ensure durability to withstand the test of regular pedestrian and vehicular use, and like all Tobermore paving products; Pembury undergoes a vapour curing process at Tobermore’s 50 ace manufacturing plant to ensure that the occurrence of efflorescence is significantly reduced.

The hard wearing surface layer is additionally produced with the best iron oxide colour pigments available in the market, so the strong, deep product colours retain their vibrancy and aesthetic appeal throughout the lifetime of the product.

Pembury in sophisticated Charcoal has been installed at Wellesbourne in an attractive herringbone laying pattern to create a contemporary hard landscape design; the ideal landscape look for the modern new park.

The design, development and construction of the park was completed in 2015 following a three year development programme.

The park is comprised of commercial and industrial warehouse accommodation that houses a variety of high profile tenants including Aston Martin Lagonda, Rudolph & Hellman Automotive, Amethyst Group Ltd and CEVA Logistics. The park additionally offers a Sainsbury’s supermarket and 99 furnished homes.

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