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WaterEvolution Ltd announce the launch of the reAqua+

24 Jan 2013

Livingston based Cleantech company, WaterEvolution Ltd are launching an innovative and simple combined grey water and heat recovery system into the market at the end of January 2013.  The device is known as the reAqua+ and can reduce water consumption by 30% whilst also saving up to 50% of the energy used to heat bath or shower water.


How it works


The unit collects greywater from the bath or shower, removes the heat and transfers it back to the central heating system then uses the cooled water to flush toilets.  Ideal for new-builds or refurbishment projects, the reAqua+ fits comfortably into a wall cavity and can feed multiple toilets.  The reAqua+ gives a twofold saving on CO2 emissions and is Green Deal eligible making it an incredibly desirable system for helping to maximise the sustainability of the building without compromising the end user’s lifestyle in any way.


Ian Marchant, CEO of SSE Plc champions the product, “The reAqua+ system is a real breakthrough in water and energy recovery.  If we continue to throw away hot water in our homes we are wasting these two valuable assets.  WaterEvolution now has a solution and one that can make a cost effective contribution to the sustainability of new and existing building stock.”


Stephen Bates, CEO of Waterevolution Ltd adds: “With an increasing drive to reduce water consumption it makes more sense to me to reuse water rather than ration it. People don’t want to have low-flow showers and low-flush toilets that don’t really work when they can reduce water consumption even more by recycling shower and bath water.”


The reAqua+ can certainly boast some impressive figures.  Payback on the device has been estimated at between 3 and 7 years saving up to 60,000 litres of water, 3,000kWh of energy and up to 1 tonne of CO2 per year for a family of 5.


Tony Robison of SEP, the UK’s leading growth equity investor and shareholder in WaterEvolution from its Environmental Energies Fund commented, “WaterEvolution offers and exciting solution to the key challenges of water recycling and reduction in energy usage.  The combination of water and energy savings offer compelling economic returns for property developers and users alike.”


WaterEvolution officially launches the reAqua+ at the end of January 2013 in building merchant Ridgeons’ “Green Light Centre” in Pampisford, Cambridgeshire in conjunction with the launch of the Green Deal.  The unit is already on display at the company’s central London sales office in The Building Centre, Store Street.  Sales teams will be available at both locations to talk through the system in greater detail.”