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Armstrong Ceiling Solutions

Armstrong has the ultimate pedigree in ceiling systems – more than 150 years’ expertise in delivering solutions for building interiors.

Its ceiling systems deliver an improved environment for users’ well-being, with options that passively resist germs and reduce a building’s reliance on artificial light and air-conditioning. A peerless 30-year system warranty on most products also gives peace of mind.

And on the subject of the environment, Armstrong was the first European mineral tile manufacturer to win Cradle to Cradle® certification for ceiling systems that comprise high recycled content to start with.

It also helped pioneer ceiling recycling worldwide for tiles at the end of their life – divert increasingly large amounts of waste from landfill every year.


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Armstrong Ceiling Solutions

  • Chaplin House
  • Widewater Place
  • Moorhall Road
  • Denham
  • UB9 6NS
  • 0800 371 849
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