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Bauporte Doors UK Ltd

There is only one chance to make a good first impression and this is precisely the reason Bauporte designs, manufactures, installs and maintains impressive entrances for its customers.

Bauporte has a wealth of experience in the door and entrance industry and correctly identifies a gap in the market for a custom-made produced doors. Bauporte has its own production facilities in Germany near Hamburg. Managed from the head office in Amsterdam the Netherlands Bauporte  succees in developing and constructing high-quality doors.

Bauporte delivers outstanding service and products all over the world.

Your partner for bespoke doors.


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Bauporte Doors UK Ltd.

  • The Carlton Suite
  • Alexandra House
  • 1 Waverley Lane
  • Farnham
  • Surrey
  • GU9 8BB
  • +44 (0)203 41 15 023
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