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"Glass Engineered, Installed and Maintained " summarises precisely the products and services provided by Glass Aftercare. Using the highly creative and modern medium of glass, the company provides solutions  that meet the demands of specifiers, designers and building owners alike for elegant, functional, energy saving solutions and smart applications. Integrators and installers are an essential integral part of the company's creative process so that the end result meets in full the requirements of all parties.
With its unrivalled product knowledge, design & manufacturing experience, proven working methods, expertise in installation and management, Glass Aftercare successfully integrates the latest intelligent materials and products to ensure the optimum solution for all types of buildings whether internally or outside.
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Glass Aftercare

  • Kings House Business Centre
  • Home Park Estate
  • Station Road
  • Kings Langley
  • Hertfordshire
  • WD4 8DH
  • 01923 277901
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