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Maco Door & Window Hardware (UK) Ltd

We supply premium hardware solutions across the world working with and for our partners to provide them with the best in window, door and patio door hardware solutions, creating innovations and setting standards within the Industry. We still continue to create and build 95% of our products ourselves ensuring quality and attention to detail is always achieved.

It is through this work and our partnerships that we have been able to grow and be relied on by our partners for hardware that stands the test of time. Not only do we develop innovative hardware solutions, equal importance is given to the surface protection coating ensuring that products fitted with MACO hardware continue to perform year after year. 

Renowned for our high standards in finish and security, MACO hardware is viewed amongst the very best within the international market place. We have the ability to bring our innovative creations to a reality with new products becoming available to market every year.


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  • Eurolink Industrial Centre
  • Castle Road
  • Sittingbourne
  • Kent
  • 01795 433900
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