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Pilkington United Kingdom Ltd

The Pilkington name has been closely associated with glass since 1826. In 2006, Pilkington Group Limited was acquired by the NSG Group of Japan, and the name Pilkington was retained as a brand for the Group’s building and automotive products. The NSG Group is now one of the world’s largest manufacturers of glass and glazing products for the automotive, building products and speciality glass sectors with manufacturing operations in around 29 countries on four continents and sales in around 130 countries.

Pilkington United Kingdom Ltd manufactures a wide range of float, coated, rolled, laminated and toughened glass products as well as its own range of high-performance insulating glass units.

Glass is distributed direct to customers, as stock or bespoke processed products, either direct from St Helens or through our branch network countrywide. The company is highly focused on quality and service, continually improving to deliver the benefits of NSG’s technical ability and innovation to the end user.


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  • Greengate Works
  • Sherdley Road
  • St Helens
  • Merseyside
  • Merseyside
  • 01744 692000
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