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Tata Steel UK Limited

Tata Steel UK Limited

Tata Steel is one of the world’s most geographically diversified steel producers, with operations in 26 countries and commercial offices in over 35 countries.

In Europe we are one of the largest steel producers. But it’s not just our size that sets us apart. What makes us different is our approach to business. We believe our strength is how we build collaborative relationships that create new success for our customers.

Through serving many demanding markets worldwide, including construction and infrastructure, automotive, packaging and engineering, we understand that customer needs are different in each market.

The Tata group was founded on the principle that its activities should always benefit society. Today Tata Steel is guided by the same long-term vision. We operate in a way that is safe for our people and respectful to the environment. We behave responsibly and with care towards the communities surrounding and impacted by our operations.

Sustainability is at the very heart of what we do and we are dedicated to managing our operations responsibly and to continuous improve our performance.

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Tata Steel Europe is Europe's second largest steel producer. With main steelmaking operations primarily in the UK and the Netherlands, Tata Steel Europe supplies steel and related services to the construction, automotive, packaging, mechanical engineering and other markets worldwide.


  • Shotton Works
  • Deeside
  • Flintshire
  • United Kingdom
  • CH5 2NH
  • 01244 892 461
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