MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME -HIGH PERFORMANCE WOOD PANEL, is characterised by its durability, dimensional stability and water resistance. The design and application possibilities offered by the combination of acetylated wood fibre with the manufacturing technology of Medite MDF means it may now be used in situations and applications where normal wood panels would not be considered. MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME maintains all the design, fixing, machining flexibility of medium density fibreboards. With a 50 year guarantee above ground, 25 years in ground, and an independent statement by the BRE suggesting an expected service life of 60 years for exterior use, MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME gives users peace of mind along with lower maintenance costs. The sustainably sourced FSC® MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME is made using a high performance resin which has zero added formaldehyde in its formulation, ensuring the product is suitable for environmentally sensitive areas.