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1 Nov 2010
In these austere times, businesses and government organisations are examining every possible method of reducing costs.

 From redundancies to the renegotiation of the stationary contract, spending is being curbed and efficiency is no longer a buzzword, it's a way of life.

 One green technology company, powerPerfector, is helping lead the way, by saving public and private sector organisations that have adopted its unique Voltage Power Optimisation (VPO) ® technology £50 million.

 Typically, due to the design of the distribution network, buildings are supplied with higher voltage than is actually needed. powerPerfector's green technology, developed in Japan, works by optimising electrical power quality and by supplying voltage at a more efficient level.

 Thousands of sites in the UK have installed VPO and, when fitted in a typical commercial building, it cuts an average 13% off the electricity bill instantly. The associated carbon savings are equal to 320,000 tonnes, that's the equivalent weight of nearly 2,000 jumbo jets. 

 Angus Robertson, CEO of powerPerfector, said: "The £50 million mark is not just a proud milestone for powerPerfector but conclusive proof for business leaders that there are some easy-wins on the tough road to cost saving and carbon reduction.

 "But this is only the beginning. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) says that powerPerfector is a 'critical part of our energy reduction strategy', our aim is to be a critical part of the UK's overall carbon reduction strategy."