powerPerfector is the world’s only Voltage Power Optimiser, giving energy, cost and carbon savings by efficiently optimising a site’s supply voltage. By optimising the voltage, electrical equipment runs more efficiently and consumes less energy.
Thousands of sites in the UK have installed Voltage Power Optimisation (VPO)® and, when fitted in a typical commercial building, it cuts an average 13% off the electricity bill instantly..
Equally importantly and intrinsic to the design, the technology improves power quality, reducing phase voltage imbalance, suppressing harmonics and protecting against spikes of up to 25kV..
Our technology is trusted by some of the biggest names in energy and climate change. They include the energy regulator (Ofgem), the government’s climate change department (DECC), the UK’s main electricity distributor (National Grid), the UK’s biggest retailer (Tesco), the UK’s environmental guardians (Environment Agency), 121 local authorities and 16 government agencies..
powerPerfector recently passed an important milestone, having saved our public and private sector clients L55 million.
Not only are our energy savings exemplary, we also lead the industry in terms of standards.
Because we use IPMVP as the method by which all of our client savings are measured, it means that our savings are real and auditable.